undersexed discoteque

I do not want to hear it. I know, we're absolutely god awful at keeping this blog up to date. However, like I've said before, its all about making sure our updates and posts are choice. I mean, would you rather have something bland and average every other day, or something totally mind blowing two to three times a month? Seriously, if it's everyday you want, let us know and we'll bore the crap out of you, that wont be hard for us. If, on the other hand you're content with letting us bust our asses to bring you posts that are new and different, then we'll just keep on keeping on.
That air being cleared, lets move forward with the issue at hand. We have here a hot off the presses new mix I've made. I know I know, two in one year, it's amazing. But, did you guys know that if you actually practice at stuff, you can actually get good at said stuff that you're practicing? Its fucking unbelievable, and fun.
So, here is something I've thrown together to give ya'll a taste of non disco stuff that is making me wet at the moment. Yeah, imagine that, its not disco, well, there is one track on there towards the end, but for the most part the tracks are done either by germans, english lads, or some swedish dudes. We start out sweet, then slowly dirty ourselves up a bit while still keeping the poppy undertones, around the halfway mark we get a little minimal, dark, and drugged out, which leads us to a brief period of blissed out emptiness around the 30 minute mark, but we come smashing back with an old dark jacking house favorite of mine, then comes that disco track i was talking about, as we begin to slow things back down, and, inevitably end up with a nice edit from an 80's icon.
minotaur shock - this plane is going to fall
paul kalkbrenner - square 1
lulu rouge - bless you ( pilooski remix)
jackpot - move in the light
tough alliance - a new chance ( mongolian jet set remix)
sideshow - if alone ( chateau flight dub )
photonz - trembler (discodeine mix)
DAF - oversexed discotheque
loud e - robolove
grace jones - williams blood ( aeroplane remix)
phil colins - i'm not moving ( vitesse nayward re-edit)
Jeramy and I have had such an amazing year, we're super excited to start working with our two new clients; UME and Vega. I'll be making a post about them soon. And of course, we're busy getting things ready for our 5 YR Anniversary Party....Saturday, January 31st, with two special DJ Sets by HERCULES & LOVE AFFAIR and LCD Soundsystems PAT MAHONEY. Its gonna FREE to get in so make sure to rsvp HERE.
Here's the mix, click to listen, download to enjoy.
Here's the mix, click to listen, download to enjoy.