Skulls and Roses and Dead things oh my

Right, i understand its been a little over week since the last time we posted anything, and I am truly honestly sorry about that. However, we've been busy, and to ya'lls benefit, but more on that in a few weeks time.
The current issue at hand is this Saturday's LS party.
Tonight may be the devil's birthday, as well as my father's birthday (no correlation there i promise), and it's also the 13th anniversary of me losing my virginity, no joke...but the real party starts tomorrow when we celebrate the day of the dead!
We're coming back to the Beauty Bar after having spent much of September and October away. We're super super excited about this party's line up so we hope you can all make it out.
Many Birthdays and Grassfight ( Denton ) open things up (i've posted a track from each below)
Ramesh from Voxtrot will be joining me on the ones and twos, and most importantly....
Open your mind and your feet will follow people
Here are some tracks from Many Birthdays and Grassfight, as well as a few things i've been feeling lately and will probably play out.
Click to listen, Download to enjoy, and Support these artists buy actually buying their music.
And I expect to see ya'll going nuts to these...
Moments I love of this first track which, is the Mungolian Jet Set remix of " A New Chance " off of the samely named Tough Alliance full length out on Modular, are minute marks 2:30 to 3:40, then when the vocals kick in around 4:11. Pure Butters Yo!
It's no secret that i'm a huge huge huge fan of bands like Tough Alliance, there's something about the air in Sweden that just makes their pop music so perfect. If you're a fan of Tough Alliance then you should check out bands like Embassy , Air France, Radio Dept., and The Legends.
I mean seriously, peep this video for the track, it's just two super hot Swedish dudes ( Tough Alliance I believe) sharing a scooter ride around Sweden...makes you kind of hungry don't it?
Next up we have a massive Euro-Disco floor stomper!! I played this at Studio B this past weekend at it is insane when played loud, i cant wait to play it for ya'll on Saturday.
Its by 202 Machine, it is called "Rock Your Body," it came out on the Fire Sign LTD Label back in 1980, and it bangs!
>202 MACHINE - Rock Your Body
And away we go...